Writing system and Hangul > Lectures

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Research Center for the
Spread of K-Studies

IKSSU and RCSKS offer courses based
on the themes.

숭실대학교 한국학연구소


Korean traditional music

Writing system and Hangul


    • SubjectHumanities(Human Sciences)
    • InstitutionDongguk Unversity
    • Phone02-6713-5178
    • Course Week10 weeks
    • Accredited
      Learning Time
    • Registration
    • Classes Period
    You can watch the lecture videos after registering for the membership and courses enrollment on the K-Mooc website. Move

강의 개요 내용

This course will be an overview how Koreans have adopted Buddhism in a variety of languages and characters.

The Korean language and writing system combined Buddhism from India, which flowed into the Korean Peninsula through China, resulting in the creation of many Buddhist linguistics.

Through this course, students will be able to understand the various worlds of Buddhism expressed in Korean language and characters, as well as the culture and mind of Koreans.

강의 교수 내용

KIM JongjinProfessor of the Academy of Buddhist Studies at Dongguk University

JUNG WooyoungProfessor Emeritus in the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Dongguk University

HWANG Seon-yeopProfessor in the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Seoul National University

KIM Sŭng-hoProfessor Emeritus in the Department of Korean Language Education at Dongguk University

강의 목차 내용

주차 강의 주제 교수
1 The History of the Writing System and Language in Korea JUNG Wooyoung
2 Hyangga and Hyangch'al HWANG Seon-yeop
3 Buddhist scriptures and Kugyŏl HWANG Seon-yeop
4 The Creation of Hangŭl and Buddhism JUNG Wooyoung
5 The Vernacular Editions of Buddhist Books JUNG Wooyoung
6 The Narratives in Buddhist Sutras KIM Sŭng-ho
7 Hangŭl Buddhist Novels KIM Sŭng-ho
8 Hangŭl Buddhist Kasa (Lyrics) KIM Jongjin
9 Buddhist Journals in Modern Times KIM Jongjin
10 The Korean Translation of Buddhist Sutras KIM Jongjin