Institute for Korean Studies Soongsil University

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In 1897, Soongsil became the first Westernized high education institution in Korea.

In 2023, Soongsil founded the Institution for Korean Studies as its first step toward the spread of Korean studies.

Korean Studies in the World

Contemporary Hallyu(the Korean Wave) expands its horizons through 'Prism Korean Studies.'

“Prism Korean Studies: From Hallyu (Korean Wave) Cultural Contents to Traditional Korean Arts”

The Institute for Korean Studies at Soongsil University will open!

Introduction to courses by topic
You can check the newly registered lecture syllabi and promotional videos.

Research Center for the Spread of K-Studies Business introduction

Creating specialized online educational content in various fields of Korean arts, such as music, visual arts, dance, and theater, to enhance understanding of Korean Studies and widely disseminate its value and excellence.


Research and Publication

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