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About IKSS

Welcome to the IKSSU and RCSKS.

숭실대학교 한국학연구소



Welcome to the
Institute of Korean Studies at Soongsil University.

  • I am Professor Bong-Jun Cha, the director of the Institute of Korean Studies at Soongsil University. Soongsil takes pride in its historical tradition as the first modern university established in Korea in 1897. Soongsil has developed a reputation for outstanding research achievements and educational excellence in the humanities of Korean studies, such as literature, philosophy, and history. Based on this tradition, Soongsil established this institute to systematically establish and spread the tradition and achievements of Korean studies domestically and internationally.


This institute received the governmental research fund for "the Research Institute for the Spread of K-Studies," organized by the Ministry of Education and the Academy of Korean Studies in September 2023. Through this project, this institute has secured a research budget of 2.5 billion won for the next five years. Through this fund, I plan to develop 25 K-MOOC video lectures on Korean studies. Additionally, I aim to publish specialized academic journals and academic publications on Korean studies while actively building a close network with the educational institutions of Korean studies both in Korea and abroad to disseminate our research outcomes.

I sincerely request your keen interest and participation in the various research projects and achievements of the Institute of Korean Studies at Soongsil University in the future.

Cha, Bong-Jun
Director, the Institute of Korean Studies at Soongsil University